Guten Morgen aus Alaska

Alaska Schnee Sturm

„There was a blizzard that affected Kenai, Alaska starting December 10, 2022, at 11 PM until early morning hours of Dec 12th. A winter weather watch was in place from the National Weather Service. I took this video at 7:40 AM on December 12th after the snow and wind had stopped. This is a back door that leads out of our garage. The wind gusts caused snow drifts that were over 4 ft deep on top of at least 20” of new snowfall. Most wind gusts were around 35mph but we had one that was 63mph. After clearing priority snow from the driveway, we used shovels and our snowblower to clear the snow so our exits weren’t blocked. And the weather says there’s more snow on the way!“

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15.12.2022 / Video defekt? Hier melden!
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15.12.2022 13:23

Bestimmt den Winterdienst in Deutschland beauftragt.😂

Vertrautes Mitglied
15.12.2022 20:40

Noch ein paar Tage und die können ihr Haus als Iglu verkaufen 😁